How to Grow Mushrooms At Home

In this article we will provide sample guidelines on how to grow mushrooms at home. Note that the actual directions will depend on the species that you decide to grow, on the temperature of the room, and some other factors. All of this can be learned through a good eBook for growing fungi at home.

You will need to obtain a bag of compost and inoculate it with mycelium. Then, you will need to start checking its color. When it becomes white, it’s ready for you to start. If it’s still brown, you may need to keep it in a cool place for awhile. You may also opt not to wait and start immediately. Brown compost simply means that it will take a tad longer for you to get the first fruiting.

Take a bag of dry peat moss and spread it over the compost, trying to make it an even layer of around one inch. Sprinkle the surface with about one cup of water. It’s advised to use water that’s free of chlorine. This can be achieved by filling a bucket with water and letting it stand overnight, this will allow the chlorine to dissipate. Keep watering daily, and you will start to see small fungi appear in about one to two weeks. The first crop may be as large as one-third or even one-half of the total capacity of the mycelium. The rest of the crops will be accordingly smaller.

To know how to grow mushrooms at home the proper way, you need to carefully read the instructions that you receive in your eBook. There are also good software programs available that will help you track the entire process and know what to expect in terms of fruiting.

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